
MidJourney is an Image-generating AI that you send “prompts” to, in order for it to generate 4 images of that prompt.

How to access MidJourney / What is Discord

MidJourney is a Paid service, unfortunately there are no free tiers any more.

You will need to install Discord, an online Discussion App on your device first, then use that to create a Channel that you can invite the MidJourney Bot to.

The MidJourney Quickstart guide contains all the steps to follow.

What are Prompts?

Prompts are how you tell MidJourney what you want it to create. The main prompt begins with /imagine, and then we go from there. MidJourney will process for a moment, then begin generating a 2×2 grid of images as the output.

Sample Prompts and Output

Simple one: /imagine smoke and mirrors

More advanced Prompts

Fantasy Hybrid Citizen, orange hair with blue, wearing mirrored lens glasses, amber eyes, doctor Style Clothes, female Bipedal spider-cat, doctor style clothes, Humanoid bipedal spider-cat hybrid, ray tracing, realistic, portrait, photo

= MidJourney Prompt

transformer robot, orange hair with blue, wearing mirrored lens glasses, amber eyes, doctor Style Clothes, male Bipedal spider-cat, doctor style clothes, Humanoid bipedal spider-cat hybrid as a Transformer, ray tracing, realistic, portrait, photo

– MidJourney Prompt